Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Dow Jones Industrial Airlines Maze Cartoon by Yonatan Frimer

Editorial Cartoon Maze on a Dow Jones Airline, by Yonatan Frimer

Dow Jones Airlines Maze Cartoon

Cartoon maze editorial of an airplane, labled Dow Jones that has sand bags on its wings and tail and the sand is leaking out an labeled, "Glitch, EU, Greece and Reform" the co-pilot exclaims, "Sir! We are losing altitude! We gotta keep above 10,000 to avoid a crash!" Created by Yonatan Frimer
Click here for a printable, hi-res version of this maze
Click here or on the image for the solution to the maze.

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More about this mazes topic, The Dow Jones:

Dow Jones Industrial Average

The Dow Jones Industrial Average, also referred to as the Industrial Average, the Dow Jones, the Dow 30, or simply the Dow, is one of several stock market indices created by Wall Street Journal editor and Dow Jones & Company co-founder Charles Dow. The average is named after Dow and one of his business associates, statistician Edward Jones. It is an index that shows how 30 large, publicly owned companies based in the United States have traded during a standard trading session in the stock market.[1] It is the second oldest U.S. market index after the Dow Jones Transportation Average, which Dow also created.

The Industrial portion of the name is largely historical, as many of the modern 30 components have (Click here to read the rest)

A recent graph that illustrates a trading range from the mid-7,000 level to the 14,000 level aside from a low in the mid-6000 level in early 2009. Basically, the average traded at or near the 10,000 range for most of the decade.
Recent logarithmic graph of the DJIA from Jan 2000 through Oct 2009.
A historical graph. From a starting point of under 50 in the late 1890s to a high reached above 14,000 in the late 2000s, the Dow rises periodically through the decades with corrections along the way eventually settling in the mid-10,000 range within the last 10 years.
Historical logarithmic graph of the DJIA from the 1890s to the 2010s.

Maze cartoon editorials for publication, by Yonatan Frimer, Maze Desig


Released Monday, May 24th, 2010

You may print or publish any of these cartoons.

  • Each of these cartoons is also a maze, entrance/exits marked by arrows.
  • Links to printable version and the solutions are under each cartoon.
  • Please attribute to Yonatan Frimer and RSL.
  • Yonatan Frimer is available for hire as a freelance cartoonist, fore more info click here.

Maze Cartoon Obama sleeping and ignoring the polls:Obama President Polls Maze Cartoon
Editorial cartoon maze of President Obama sleeping as a hot cup of coffee marked "Polls" is next to him and a caption that reads, "Wake up and smell the....." Created by Yonatan Frimer.
Click here for a printable, hi-res version of this maze
Click here or on the image for the solution to the maze.

Maze Cartoon of your job on drugs, I mean financial reform:This is your brain on financial reform
Editorial Cartoon maze poking fun at the 1987 commercial "This is your brain on drugs" by making the egg "jobs" and the frying pan is financial reform. Any questions? Created by Yonatan Frimer
Click here for a printable, hi-res version of this maze
Click here or on the image for the solution to the maze.

Maze Cartoon Oil Growing on Trees:
Oil growing on trees getting harmed by BP oil disaster, by Yonatan Frimer maze cartoon, political maze
Editorial cartoon maze of a tree that grows oil, and a hard hat worker tells a suit that "This kind of tree won't survive if that oil slick damages the environment" Created by Yonatan Frimer.
Click here for a printable, hi-res version of this maze
Click here or on the image for the solution to the maze.

Maze Cartoon of all of Obama's eggs in the wrong basket:
All the eggs in the wrong basket
Editorial Cartoon maze on the Obama Administration's modus operandi of putting all their eggs in the "Campaign Promises" basket and none in the "Strategic Decision" basket. Created by Yonatan Frimer
Click here for a printable, hi-res version of this maze
Click here or on the image for the solution to the maze.

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Maze Cartoon of a ticking bum in Times Square:
Ticking bum in times square - maze cartoon
Editorial cartoon maze of a cop calling off an alarm because it's just a "Ticking bum" not a ticking bomb. Created by Yonatan Frimer
Click here for a printable, hi-res version of this maze
Click here or on the image for the solution to the maze.

*Full Stop*

To contact the artist, Yonatan Frimer, please email yfrimer@yahoo.com
To order prints-on-demand of these cartoons and other mazes for your offices, please click here.

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Friday, May 21, 2010

Oil won't grow on trees, by Yonatan Frimer

Maze Cartoon Oil Growing on Trees - By Yonatan Frimer

Oil growing on trees getting harmed by BP oil disaster, by Yonatan Frimer maze cartoon, political maze

Editorial cartoon maze of a tree that grows oil, and a hard hat worker tells a suit that "This kind of tree won't survive if that oil slick damages the environment" Created by Yonatan Frimer.
Click here for a printable, hi-res version of this maze
Click here or on the image for the solution to the maze.

Can't get enough of these mazes? check out these links for more maze fun:
Team Of Monkeys maze Cartoons
Ink Blot Mazes - Maze Art
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This maze topic in the news:

Despite the partial success of the new siphon British Petroleum is using to help stop an undersea oil gusher in the Gulf of Mexico, the company admits the actual cost of the environmental catastrophe remains quite high.

On May 10, BP reported the price tag at $350 million. In a fresh statement on May 17, cost... (Read More)


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Maze Cartoon - OECD, Feather in Israel's Hat

Maze Cartoon - OECD, Feather in Israel's Hatoecd hat feather in israel

Cartoon maze editorial of the OECD being a feather in Israel's hat.

Political Maze Cartoon on Comics Sherpa, by Yonatan Frimer
Editorial Cartoon Mazes on Team Of Monkeys
Maze Art on Ink Blot MazesLinkBuy maze art

Maze Topic in the News:

Israel celebrates membership of OECD

Israel has won a rare diplomatic victory in the face of stiff Palestinian opposition by being accepted into the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.

Israel has tried for 16 years to join the exclusive club of prosperous economies.

The OECD said it invited Israel, Estonia and Slovenia to become members after they met specific criteria as developed, open economies. The three increase OECD membership to 34.The new members ''will contribute to a more plural and open OECD that is playing an increasingly important role in the global economic architecture'', the OECD secretary-general, Angel Gurria, said in Paris.

He said Israeli politics and Middle East tensions were ''not the main focus of discussion'' but acknowledged ''the entire process of membership is political''.

The OECD's legal director, Nicola Bonucci, said on Monday a study will ''quantify the impact'' of data included by Israel from the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and West Bank settlements. Ms Bonucci said that issue ''was discussed at length''.

The head of Israel's central bank, Stanley Fischer, said membership ''is an important step towards Israel's integration into the global economy, and is an expression of Israel's commitment to meet the highest international standards''.

Israel's Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, said: ''Today, a new investment avenue has been opened for us.'' He said he hoped to make Israel one of the world's top 15 economies over the next decade.

Since its formation, Israel has evolved from a tiny farming nation into a high-tech powerhouse. Palestinian officials said Israel's occupation of the West Bank and discriminatory treatment of its Arab citizens put the country at odds with the OECD's commitment to human rights.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

maze cartoon on gulf oil spill

Gulf Oil Spill Nail in Coffin for off shore drilling - Maze Cartoon
nail coffin maze for gulf oil spill maze

Maze Cartoon editorial on how the Gulf of Mexico oil spill is the nail in the coffin of off shore drilling. Created by Yonatan Frimer

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And still yet another maze blog

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The topic of this Maze Cartoon in the news:

How off shore drilling is affected by this gulf oil spill

Schwarzenegger Revokes Support for Expanded Offshore Oil Drilling

As the environmental disaster unfolds in the Gulf of Mexico, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger said yesterday that he no longer supports offshore drilling off the coast of Santa Barbara, NPR reported.

"You turn on the television and see this enormous disaster, you say to yourself, 'Why would we want to take on that kind of risk?' " Schwarzenegger said at a news conference.
Despite the fact that state democrats blocked a proposal last year to allow expanded drilling, the governor had supported a new plan to allow 30 new slant wells off Santa Barbara, the site of an oil platform explosion in 1969 that polluted miles of shoreline.
On Monday, Schwarzenegger said his support had been based on numerous studies finding it was safe to drill. But now, "I see on TV, the birds drenched in oil, the fishermen out of work, the massive oil spill, oil slick destroying our precious ecosystem," the governor said.
Meanwhile, Louisina Governor Bobby Jinal reported that the oil had made its way to Louisiana's Chandeleur and Breton sounds, but officials were having trouble finding it, nola.com reported. “Newspaper photojournalist Chris Granger said he could see no concentrations of oil on the barrier islands' beaches, currently a key nesting sight for a wide array of shore and water birds,” the article stated.

“Two birds found in the oil slick were recovering at a rescue center — a gannet found Friday and a brown pelican found sometime between then and Tuesday,” according to the Associated Press. (To see how trained officials clean birds, check out this article.)

“'We’re preparing for the worst,' said Jim Hood, the attorney general of Mississippi, referring both to the spill itself and the possibility of fierce legal struggles. The state has been taking photos and video of coastal areas and counting fish and birds, he said, to have a record of what exists before the oil arrives," a New York Times article stated.

Next Maze >>

Monday, May 3, 2010

Maze of the new START Treaty by Yonatan Frimer

New START Treaty - Cartoon Maze: maze cartoon new start treaty by Yonatan Frimer

Editorial Cartoon Maze on the New START Treaty, aimed at reducing the stockpiles of nuclear weapons to "only" 1,550 by 2017.

Click here for the maze in larger, printable format
Can't solve the maze? Click here for the maze solution

Check out more of Yonatan Frimer's mazes:
Latest Political Cartoon Maze
Maze Art on Ink Blot Mazes
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Maze Cartoon topic in the news:

United States Moves Rapidly Toward New START Warhead Limit

By Hans M. Kristensen

The United States appears to be moving toward early implementation of the New START treaty signed with Russian less than one month ago.

The rapid implementation is evident in the State Department’s latest fact sheet, which declares that the United States as of December 31, 2009, deployed 1,968 strategic warheads.

Current pace of U.S. strategic warhead downloading could reach New START limit in 2010.

The New START force level of 1,550 deployed strategic warheads is not required to be reached until 2017 at the earliest. But at the current downloading rate, the United States could reach the limit before the end of this year.

Since the signing of the Moscow Treaty in 2002, the United States has removed an average of 490 warheads each year from ballistic missiles and bomber bases, for a total of approximately 3,436 warheads. There are now only a few hundred strategic warheads left at U.S. bomber bases, with most of the deployed warheads concentrated on ballistic missiles.

The last time the United States deployed less than 2,000 strategic warheads was in 1956. The peak was nearly 12,790 deployed strategic warheads in 1987.

The rapid downloading of U.S. strategic forces illustrates....(read more)